Trees and Shrubs

Trees and Shrubs Provide Structure and Decoration in a Garden
Shrubs and trees bring a great deal to a garden. With enormous variation in shape, bark, flower, foliage and habit, they provide structure and decoration in all gardens.
Whether you want them to complement your other plants or just grow them in a display of their own, there is a place in everyone's garden for a shrub or two and trees come in all sizes so that they can be grown in even the smallest of gardens.
Some types offer interest more than once in a year with beautiful foliage at one point, flowers at another and berries at yet another. Some provide colourful stems to brighten a Winter garden.
Choose from evergreen or deciduous types, flowering or non-flowering, those with variegated or interesting shaped foliage, and fruit bearing. Whatever your taste and needs, we have a shrub or a tree that will suit.